The Alkaline Ionizer Flask, with its built-in water purification and treatment system, helps remove chlorine and other contaminants from your water, as well as improving the alkaline balance of the water. These actions have a number of key beneficial effects on your body and metabolism, including the following:
- Increases your hydration to levels as recommended by most health and natural/alternative health practitioners
- Helps filter out harmful bacteria and contaminants that would otherwise enter your body.
- Reduces acid levels in your body by increasing the pH level of the water.
- Boosts your immunity to bacteria and viruses.
- The Activated hydrogen reduces the number of free radicals in your body.
- Reduces the water’s negative ORP by an average of -200mv, giving it excellent antioxidant properties.
How does the Alkaline Ionizer Flask Work?
The flask contains a specific balance of selected natural stones – each chosen for its beneficial effects on your body, metabolism and well being. The minerals begin to act on the water as soon as it is poured into the bottle; however it is recommended that the contents be left in the bottle for 15 minutes for the full benefits to be transferred, the position should be changed every few minutes (inverted, laid down). I you are in a hurry, you can simply give the bottle a shake for 1-2 minutes and it'll be ready.
So, what's really inside that filter in the flask?
Far Infrared has shown itself to be influential in improving the oxygen capacity of the bloodstream,
improving the body’s defence against infectious diseases such as colds and influenza, as well as stress tolerance. It also increases lymphocytes and neutrophilic levels.

Negative potential silver. This mineral helps change the water’s negative ORP by breaking down the water molecules to produce –OH ions. This lowers the potential of the water to as low as -200, and reduces the number of free radicals in the body. In turn this makes your cells more energetic, as well as removing harmful chromate, nitrate, heavy metals and inert metals from your system.

Maifanshi Stone. Originating from valley streams rich in porphyritic pea gravel, Mainfanshi stone is traditionally used throughout Asia as a general medicinal treatment. It is often added to hot baths, where its ability to absorb toxins and provide the body with minerals is well known.
Muyu stone is a precious mineral extracted in China and is classified as a marine deposit from the early Palaeozoic period. It contains high amounts of the following beneficial elements; potassium, sodium, magnesium, selenium, iron, lithium and zinc. It is easily recognisable by its crystalline grain and hence its common name “wood grain jade”.
Calcium Ion Balls. This mineral directly increases the calcium content in the water, giving a number of benefits. It activates alkaline ions, and changes the body’s ph level. The calcium is dissolves directly into the water within the energy bottle, allowing easy and direct absorption into the bloodstream.
Negative Ion balls. These balls give out a high concentration of negative ions, which in turn have an electrolytic effect on the water. This decreases the water’s molecular size, helping absorption into the body via improved osmosis. It lowers the waters ORP and makes it more alkaline.
How can the Alkaline Ionizer Flask help my workouts/increase my energy?
Studies have shown that mineral water has a significant beneficial effect on the body’s metabolism. The Iron released from the Alkaline Ionizer Flask helps your blood carry more oxygen – giving you an oxygen boost when you need it most. Also, studies have shown that your performance during a workout can be significantly improved through adequate hydration – so using the Alkaline Ionizer Flask will ensure you are performing at your peak throughout your workout.
How can the Alkaline Ionizer Flask help me lose weight?
Drinking from the energy water has a beneficial effect on your body, improving your blood flow and metabolism, which mean you will burn more calories without doing anything. What’s more, studies have shown that people often mistake the symptoms of thirst for hunger; by rehydrating yourself regularly with the Alkaline Ionizer Flask you will feel refreshed and will reduce your food intake, allowing you to lose weight safely and naturally.
What are the advantages of drinking water with a low ORP?
Oxidation is the exchange of electrons between two atoms. When iron rusts and decays, this is oxidation. When you have a substance with high-ORP it increases the number of atoms in your body, which speeds up oxidation in body, when increases the rate of aging and decay in your body. Alkaline water from the Alkaline Ionizer Flask acts as an anti-oxidant, reducing the level of oxidation and decay in body.
What are the benefits of alkaline water?
The process of making and filtering alkaline reduces the number of contaminants s and impurities in the water, as well as helping balance your body’s acid level and remove toxins from your system. This is especially important for modern living, with the processed food we eat every day being high and toxins and impurities.
I just received my Alkaline flask, how do I use it for the first time?
Here are the steps when using your flask for the first time:
- Open flask, and remove the filter that is inside the flask. It looks like this -->
- Wash the flask with warm water and soap and rinse well. DO NOT WASH THE FILTER WITH SOAP. Just wash with plain water.
- Put the filter back into the flask. Pour hot water (almost boiling temperature) until at least 2 inches above the filter. Do not place cover. Just let the water cool down in the flask, discard water and repeat this step 2 more times. Now your flask is ready for use.
- You can wash your flask with soap and water at least once a month.
- To use flask. Pour room temperature water into the flask until water reaches around 2 inches above the filter line. Shake vigorously for a minute and let rest for 10-15 minutes, changing the position (inverting the flask, lay it down etc.). Shake for another minute and pour on a GLASS or ceramic cup. Enjoy! Recommended daily dosage is up to 2 liters per day.
- You can store ionized water in container or bottles made of GLASS only. You must consume stored ionized water within 48 hours.

DO's & DON'Ts
- Do not use cold or hot water. Just regular room temperature water.
- Do not take Alkaline Ionized water with your medicine and vitamins as it might affect its efficacy. If you drink alkaline water, wait for 45 mins to an hour before your taking your medicine. If you've already taken your medicine/vitamins, then wait for at least 45 mins to an hour before taking Alkaline water.
- Do not store water on your flask overnight. The filter needs to rest, too. Remove filter to drip and dry your flask at night.